Diagnostic Imaging/Digital X-ray
If you've sustained an injury or are experiencing pain for unknown reasons, it's time to make an appointment at Delware Spine. By taking digital x-rays of your injured or painful areas, we can diagnose your issues and prescribe the best course of treatment.
One way that diagnostic imaging is useful is in the case of neck pain. Upper back and neck pain can be caused by many factors, including:
• Injury
• Poor posture
• Stress
• Disc problems
• Subluxations
• And more
Because neck problems can contribute to a host of painful conditions, it's important to get checked out by a chiropractor if you're experiencing neck pain or if you've sustained an injury. The most common cause of neck injury is whiplash. If you've been in a car crash or sustained a sports-related injury, you may have whiplash injuries. However, you may not show symptoms for weeks or months. Therefore, it's a good idea to come to Delaware Spine for a post-injury exam.
When you visit Delaware Spine, we'll use diagnostic imaging to determine the specific cause of your neck pain or other type of pain. In addition, we'll evaluate the curvature of your spine to decide on the appropriate type of treatment for your pain/injury.
Interested in banishing your pain once and for all? Schedule your free consultation with us today! We can see you at either of our two offices, which are conveniently located in Garnet Valley, PA, and Wilmington, DE.